biinlab à l’Ambassade française des Etats-Unis

biinlab à l'Ambassade française des Etats-Unis

Le 8 septembre dernier, nous avons été interviewé par l’Ambassade française des Etats-Unis au sujet de notre participation au 3e French American Creative Lab. Voici  nos réponses :

What is it that motivates you in your work?
It is difficult to answer in just a few words… To invent a solution, to design it, to develop it and to make it functional for users are my biggest motivation. We feel that too much of the data that is collected remains invisible and useless to the public. We think biinlab offers a solution to bring meaning to this data and make it accessible. That is in fact the purpose of our day-to-day work and what motivates my teammates and me. I am lucky to work with an amazing team. They support me every day as I
face the greatest challenges. I also meet great people I would have never met in a more traditional job — for example, I met the President of France [François
Hollande at that time]; that was a big thing for me!

Tell us about one of the projects you created with biinlab/mosaïque.
We have been working with the City of Montpellier for the last several weeks. And I must say that the experience has been unique and the work very rich. They use biinlab to highlight their digitized files. Every day, they harness biinlab’s technology in a brand new way and invent new uses for it. We have an exciting collaboration; they allow us to improve the platform with real users. They have become an important partner, and we have since received requests from other cultural institutions to collaborate with biin similarly. Thanks to the City of Montpellier, we are developing our first users’ community and some new biinlab features.

Which aspect(s) of the French-American Creative Lab program are you most looking forward to?
biin is a young company, with its flaws and strong points. We have to play two roles: we are both a startup and — of course — a company (with a business strategy to develop in new markets). Being a young and small company has several benefits and allows us to be flexible, creative, and responsive, but it also comes with some downsides (such as having to devote energy to investment and funding, among others things). The French-American Creative Lab provides a great opportunity to focus on our company and prove the necessity and adaptability of our technology. The Creative Lab session will be an introduction to the next steps of our development in Europe and then in North America. We can’t wait til the program begins !

Retrouvez l’intégralité de l’article de l’Ambassade ici.


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